

 sorry terlalooo sorry dreytabs gue telat posting abisnya kesita waktu gue buat belajar #gayaloeeeee nyongggg gue mao curhat nehhh cekisotttttt eh cekidottttt

well well well… today (11.06.11) i feel so tired yayaya.. 2 more days (12.06.11) i have an exam in my school,o my gawdeeeee i don’t know what should i do. some teacher in my school said “ORA ET LABORA” the meaning is “study with pray” yes i know but i can’t do it. COMMON SARAH DON’T GIVE UP STILL MOVING ON!!! CAYOOO GOGOGO »>OVER SPIRIT :P

pokoknya gitu dehhhhhh gue puyeng mamat mikirin beginiaaaannnnnn solohhh somebody help me ngape. tapi yang bisa bantu gue cuma diri gue sendiri and tuhan #gayaabisabisBUBAR

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